About Us

Schmidt Greenhouses has been serving the Dryden area since 1948. Starting as a market

garden, Jack and Nellie Schmidt grew the business into a greenhouse operation and a flower

shop. After Jack passed away, their son, Ken, took the reins and worked alongside his mother

and wife, Liz. In the 1970s, the flower shop moved into a downtown location at 48 Princess St

(now the Flower Forest) and the greenhouses moved to Highway 17 W (their current location).

The greenhouse has gone from once growing cutting crops for the flower shop, to growing

trees for reforestation, to a full service garden centre. The service area ranges from Kenora to

Thunder Bay and as far north as Red Lake. Ken’s son, Kurt and his wife, Holly are now the

third generation operators of the business. With over 25000 sq ft of growing and retail space,

Schmidt Greenhouses produces the widest variety of annuals and perennials in the area and is a

destination point for any serious gardener.

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